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Attach a file to a post

You can attach documents to a post in a discussion forum. Follow the steps below.

  1. Begin by starting a new post or replying to someone else's post.
  2. Make sure the Subject field is filled out.
  3. Enter text in the Message field (the empty box to the right of 'Message').
  4. Click on 'Advanced' (appears to the right of the 'Post to forum' button at the bottom of the Message field). An 'Attachment' option field appears.
  5. Drag and drop your file into the space and then click on 'Post to forum.'
  6. If you want to find the file on your computer, click in the space (or click on the file icon) and the File picker window opens. Choose 'Upload a file' and navigate to the place you have stored your attachment file. 'Choose File', give it a file name, confirm the license and select 'Upload this file.'
  7. In the Attachment field you should now see your file. Click 'Post to forum.' In the forum, you will see your reply with the file attached.
Updated:  August 2, 2019, SR

Audio: Record audio in your forum posting

You can record short audio messages directly into your discussion forum postings. Adding your voice to the other comments and ideas you write can make your posts more meaningful for other learners and your instructor.

Note:  The built-in recording tool limits your audio recording time to two minutes.

1.  To record a message you'll need a microphone. You may use a headset with microphone to plug into a computer or laptop or you can record using a phone and the Moodle app.

2.  Start a new discussion topic in your forum. Add a subject heading and enter some text to explain what the recording will be about.

3. Expand the editor toolbar by clicking on the down arrow that appears in the first position on the toolbar. Look for the 'Record audio' button on the bottom row.

how to record a short audio message in your forum post

4. Check your notes, make sure your microphone is ready and click on the recording button.

  • If this is the first time you've recorded, a small window pops up that says 'learn.recnorth wants to Use your microphone'. Click on the 'Allow' button.
  • The Insert audio recording window opens and the recording process starts immediately (you'll see the counter starts counting backwards from 2:00 minutes.) Start speaking - don't rush but focus on speaking clearly.
  • Click on the 'Stop Recording' button when you're done.
5.  Check your recording by clicking on the right-facing arrowhead in the embedded player. If you're happy with your recording, click 'Attach recording.'
  • If you don't like your recording, you can click on 'Record again.'
  • Your recorded message will display in a player.
  • Click  'Post to forum' and your recording will be displayed in your forum post.
  • Some people find it helpful to write a script before they record. Others work best with a few notes or key points they want to make. Without some prompts, it is easy to lose track of what you want to say and your recording may end up being confusing for others.
  • If possible, provide a written transcript or notes for your recording for people who may have challenges with their equipment, internet connection, vision, or just prefer to read.
Updated:  August 2, 2019, SR

Audio: Sharing audio recordings

Sharing short audio recordings can help you make a point or add some information or humour to your forum postings.

You can share audio recordings from public pages on the Internet OR you can upload and share short audio clips from your computer or mobile device. Check out how:



Calendar: Find and Track Events

Keep on top of important events or look ahead to what's next by checking the Calendar. 

Find the Calendar:

  1. From your Dashboard, find a link to the Calendar in the Upcoming Events block in the right hand Navigation Panel. If you can't see the panel, click the black arrow with grey background just below your log in initials.
  2. From Home, the Calendar appears in the blocks in the right hand Navigation Panel. You can also click the link in the Upcoming Events block. If you can't see the panel, click the black arrow with grey background just below your log in initials. 

Find upcoming events in the Calendar:

  1. Events for the current month are shown in the main panel. 
  2. If you're uncertain of the time of an event, open the event details in your calendar. Your profile is set to your home time zone and will display the correct time for you.
  3. If the event is a conference call, you can find the call-in number and access code by opening the event.
  4. Near the top of the page, a drop-down menu allows you to choose a different month to display.
  5. For a quick look at what's ahead, there's a month-by-month display on the right side of the current month display.

Import an event (or events) into your preferred Calendar system:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the Calendar page. Click on the 'Export Calendar' button.
  2. Choose what type of events to export and/or select a date range.
  3. If you're comfortable importing Calendar files (ical or ics format) into your preferred Calendar system, click on the 'Export' button. If you're uncertain, click on the 'Get calendar URL' button. 
  4. Copy the URL and paste it into a new browser tab. It will prompt you to open the file in your Calendar system (example: Outlook). Select this option and it will open Outlook and display the event(s). 
  5. If you are adding the event(s) to a browser-based Calendar (example: Google Calendar), choose the option to 'Save the icalexport.ics' file. Then follow the steps to import the icalexport.ics file.


Chats: How to join one during the conference call

Conference Calls

We use a conference call system hosted by Clarity Conferencing. You can choose to join in one of three ways.

1. By phone at: 1-855-441-5042 with the code: 1087635. Choose by phone if you do not have access to a computer or do not have Internet. This is a toll free number so you will not be charged for long distance. If the toll free number doesn't work, you can dial long distance using 1-647-689-4777.


2. On your computer at: Choose your computer if you have reliable high-speed Internet.


3. With your phone AND computer. Choose to use both if you have a computer but your Internet is slow or intermittent. Watch the video below to learn how to join using both your phone and computer.


Contact: Send a message or email to another person

Communicate privately with another learner, with your trainer, or in a group set up by your trainer.

Option 1 - Message

  1. Click on the chat icon to the left of your name in the top right corner of your screen to get to your 'Messages'. This feature is always available when you are in Moodle.(You can also click your profile name, picture or down-arrow and then choose 'Messages' from the drop-down menu.) 
  2. A side-bar opens when you click 'Messages' at the bottom of your screen. The side-bar sorts your messages by 'starred' or 'group' (if your trainer has set up groups) or 'private.' You can click on a message to read it and/or to reply.
  3. To start a new message, start typing someone's name (first or last name) in the upper search bar. You will need to click the search icon for it to look up names. If you have people in your contact list, you can find them by clicking 'Contacts'. 
  4. When the person's name shows up, click on it.
  5. You can 'write a message' in the space at the bottom of the sidebar. Click the arrow to send the message.

Option 2 - Message

  1. When you are in a learning event, click 'Participants' towards the top of any page.
  2. Click on the name of the person you want to message to open their profile.
  3. Select the message icon to message the person. The sidebar will automatically open with the message space ready for you.
  4. You can also add a person to your Contacts so you can access them directly from your Message icon up by your profile picture.

Option 3 - Email

  1. From a learning event, click 'Participants' towards the top of any page.
  2. Click on the name of the person to open their profile.
  3. Copy their email address and email directly from your own email program.



Dashboard - navigate and customize

You can use your Dashboard to stay on track with your learning events and easily find where you left off each time you return to the Learning Space.

1.  Navigate to your Dashboard from the top menu.

2.  The default view (before you customize it - see final step for how) shows a series of blocks outlined in gold. You can choose the Customize this page button to move, hide, delete or configure each block.

3.  Explore each block before you customize - try to understand how you can use the information and what fits your learning preferences.

My courses block:  shows the courses (learning events) you are registered in and links to the complete listing of courses available to you.

Course overview block:  (default Card view)

  • All (except hidden) tab:  shows your courses - the 3 periods '...' allow you to Star a course or Hide from view. Starred courses stay at the top of your list.
    Click on the All tab to change your view to show courses In progress, Future or Past.  You can also select to show only Starred or Hidden courses.
  • Course name tab:  allows you to sort your coures by name or by date
  • Card tab:  default is to display courses in Card view. You can change this to List or Summary view.
Timeline block:
  • shows what is due for each courses - display due dates for Next 7 days, Next 30 days, Next 3 months and Next 6 months. Highlight when activities are Overdue.
  • sort by date or by course name

Calendar block:  displays a month at a time, shows events for your courses

Upcoming events:  shows events in your course(s) starting from the current day

Latest badges:  shows any badges you've earned

Online users:  shows who is online in the Learning Space 

4.  If you'd like to modify or customize your dashboard, click Edit mode at the top right of the page. This displays two icons at the top right of each block:

buttons to customize the blocks in your dashboard a Move block icon and an Actions icon.  The Actions icon allows you to Configure, Hide or Delete each block. When you're finished, click on the Stop customising this page button. 

If you make a mistake or change your mind, you can select Reset page to default.

Updated:  August 2022 CS



Email: Manage Emails from Forums

When there is lots of discussion in a learning event, you may want to manage the "flow". You can set up a filter on your email program, or you can change your Forum Preferences in Moodle.

It is NOT recommended to 'unsubscribe' from a forum as you could miss important messages and information. Instead, manage the flow of emails by choosing an email digest.

A digest will send you one email with all the forum posts made in a day. You will not receive an email if there are no new posts.

To change your Forum Preferences:
  1. Go to your Profile and click the small arrow beside your profile picture to drop down a menu. 
  2. Click on 'Preferences.'
  3. Select 'Forum Preferences' under 'User Account.'
  4. In the email digest type drop-down, choose the option 'Complete (daily email with full posts).' 
  5. Scroll down the page and save your changes (without changing any of the other settings).
To change back to 'No digest (single email per forum post),' or to 'unsubscribe,' follow the steps above making your choice in step 4.

NOTE: If you decide to 'unsubscribe', you will need to log in daily in order to find and read any new posts.

Emails: Responding to forum emails

When you use Moodle, you receive emails when your trainer posts to a forum in a learning event, when someone replies to a forum post, or when someone sends you a private message.

The email messages look something like this:

an email sent from a forum posting

If you try to reply to the message, from your email program, you'll get a "Do Not Reply" message and your message will not be delivered as you planned.

To respond to an email from a forum posting
  1. Select "Reply" from the bottom of the forum message email. This will take you into forum in Moodle, although you may have to log in first. 
  2. Reply to the message from the discussion forum so your response can be seen by others who are part of that forum.
  3. Use the "see this post in context" link to read the entire topic thread before deciding whether or not to respond.

responding to an email from a forum


Forum Posts: Listing of All Your Forum Posts

To find a list of your own posts:

  1. Click your profile picture or the drop-down arrow at the top right and select 'Profile.'
  2. Under 'Miscellaneous,' click 'Forum Posts' to read all the posts you have made list from most recent to oldest. Or, click 'Forum Discussions' for the discussions you started.
  3. Click on subsequent pages if there is a long list of posts.
  4. To find more details about a post and the learning event and forum where it originated, click ‘see this post in context' to the bottom right of the post.
Updated August 2022 CS

Forums: Post and respond to discussions

Discussion forums are an important way of communicating. Here is a basic overview of how to post or respond to posts within forums.

Start a new conversation (called a 'thread'):

  1. Click on 'Add discussion topic.'
  2. Fill in the Subject field so that others will know what your conversation is about.
  3. Enter your text in the Message field (the empty box to the right of Message).
  4. If you want to insert a picture, move to the place in your post where you want it to display. Then, look to the right side of the edit toolbar for the picture icon (Insert or edit image).
    Click on the icon and then browse to the place where you've stored the image. Add a brief description, modify the size and select the alignment. Then click 'Save image.'
  5. If you want to attach a file, click on the last icon on the toolbar (Manage files).
    Drag your file into the area that displays or click on it to navigate to the file location on your computer or mobile device.
  6. Scroll to the bottom and click 'Post to forum.'

NOTE:  You'll see a message that says you have 30 minutes to change your post before it is shared with others in the Forum.

If you prefer a video, check out the 'Post Topic to Forum' video on


To reply to a post:

  1. Click on a conversation 'thread' to read and respond.
  2. Read the post or posts that make up the conversation. Decide whether you want to respond to the original post OR to one of the participants who have already responded.
  3. To respond to the main topic (first post), look to the right of the post and click 'Reply.' Your post will appear at the bottom of the list of other replies.
  4. To respond to a specific post in the conversation, click on that post and look at the end of it for 'Reply.'  In your reply, you can change the Subject to show you are responding to a specific part of the conversation topic. Add your Message.
  5. When you're ready, scroll to the bottom and click 'Post to forum.'
If you prefer a video, check out the 'Reply to Post' video on .

To reply to an email you receive from a forum discussion:

Our settings will not let you post a reply in a forum by replying to an email. Instead...

  1. Follow the instructions for Emails: Responding to forum emails. You may have to log in and, when you do, you will be taken directly to the forum.


  1. Click ‘Forward’ the email and enter the email address of the person(s) to whom you want to reply. This will NOT record your message in any forum. It will only be seen by the person to whom you send the email.

Updated:  August 2022, CS


Images: Display images in your posts

You can display digital copies of photos, drawings, illustrations, and charts in the Learning Space.

For more information, check out:

Images: Share an image in your post

It's easy to add photographs (images) to your forum posts as long as the images aren't too big for others to view. Here's how to make your images as small as possible so others can see them too.

Resize and compress

Images are sized in 'pixels' (width and height). Select a width of around 500 pixels wide. Most apps or programs automatically adjust the height through 'proportionate resizing.

Resize and compress your image by:

  • Using a photo editing app on your smartphone or iPad.
  • Uploading your image to a free web-service like TinyPNG or TinyJPG Follow the instructions on the site and you'll be surprised at how small it will be afterwards.
  • Use a program already installed on your desktop. 
  • Ask a trainer for help.

To add your compressed image into a forum post:

  1. Place your cursor where you want the image to appear.
  2. Look for the image icon (Insert or edit image) in your toolbar. If you don't see the editing toolbar, click on 'Advanced.'  Click on the image icon and then click on "Browse repositories" to locate the image on your device.
  3. When your image is selected, add a brief description to make it more accessible. You can modify the size and chose different alignment options.
  4. Click 'Save image' and 'Post to forum.'
Re-orient or rotate your photo if it appears sideways.

Updated:  August 5, 2019, SR


Learning Events: Where to find learning events (courses)

The Recreation North Training Program calls its courses 'learning events'.  In the Learning Space, you will see learning events referred to as 'courses.' This is because we use Moodle and cannot change the term 'course'.

You can find your learning events/courses from your Home page, your Dashboard, and under 'My Courses' in the top menu bar.

From the Home page:

Click ‘Home’ at the top of your page. Scroll down to find a list of all the learning events. You will find it easier to use your Dashboard or My Courses to find your learning events.

From the Dashboard:

Click ‘Dashboard' or the Recreation North Training Program icon at the top left of your page. Learning events (courses) are listed in several places. ‘My courses’ will be found in the middle of the Dashboard page below the 'Timeline.' You can change your Timeline to show you what's coming up as well as what is overdue.

My Courses

Click ‘My Courses’ in the top green menu to find a list of all your learning events. Scroll down to read an overview of each learning event, including its start date.

Looking for older learning events?

If you are looking for a learning event that has already ended or if the instructions above don't work, click 'My courses' at the top of the page. Make sure 'All courses' is selected. Use the 'Search' space to enter part of the name of the learning event.

Finding your way around 

Watch this brief video. It shows how to use your Dashboard and find your learning events.



Updated:  September 2023, CS

Logging in and out of the Learning Space

When you receive an email inviting you to log-in to the Recreation North Learning Space:

  1. Go to the Home page at
  2. Look for the "Log in" link on the top right hand side of your screen. Select this option and a log-in window appears. 
  3. Enter your username and assigned password.
  4. Bookmark the location of the Rec North site so it's easy to return.
  5. If you're using a public or shared computer, please log out after each session.

After logging in, on the top, right hand side of the screen, you'll see your name next to an empty circle (where your profile picture will display). You'll also notice a new column on the left that allows you to navigate to the 'Calendar', Messages, your Profile, etc.


Message privately

Use the private message feature in Moodle to communicate with other users of Recreation North's Learning Site.

Option 1 - Message

  1. Click on the chat icon to the left of your name in the top right corner of your screen to get to your Messages. This feature is always available when you are in Moodle. (You can also click your profile name, picture or down-arrow and then choose 'Messages' from the drop-down menu.) 
  2. A side-bar opens when you click 'Messages' at the bottom of your screen. The side-bar sorts your messages by 'starred' or 'group' (if your trainer has set up groups) or 'private.' You can click on a message to read it and/or to reply.
  3. To start a new message, start typing someone's name (first or last name) in the upper search bar. You will need to click the search icon for it to look up names. If you have people in your contact list, you can find them by clicking 'Contacts.'
  4. When the person's name shows up, click on it.
  5. You can 'Write a message...' in the space at the bottom of the sidebar. Click the arrow to send the message.

Option 2 - Message
  1. When you are in a learning event, click 'Participants' in the menu towards the top of your page.
  2. Click on the name of the person you want to message to open their profile.
  3. Select the message icon to message the person. The sidebar will automatically open with the message space ready for you.
  4. You can also add a person to your Contacts so you can access them directly from your Message icon up by your profile picture.

Option 3 - Email

  1. From a learning event, click 'Participants' in the menu towards the top of your page.
  2. Click on the name of the person to open their profile.
  3. Copy their email address and email directly from your own email program.
Read Messages Sent to You
  1. Look for a number in red at the top of your screen by the Messages icon. The number shows messages sent to you that have not been read. 
  2. If you are not logged in when someone messages you, the message will be sent to you by email or as a notice on your mobile device.
Modify your message settings 
  1. Change your message preferences by clicking on the Messages icon and then clicking on the cogged wheel that appears at the top right.
  2. New options allow you more control over who can message you or how you receive and send messages.

Messaging - how to message groups

Participants are able to message one other participant at a time, using the Participants page or Moodle messaging.

Trainers can send more pressing or urgent messages to a group of participants, or all participants in a learning event, as follows:

  1. Go to the Participants page.
  2. Select participants from the list or use the 'Select all' button at the bottom of the list.
  3. From the 'With selected users...' drop-down menu, choose 'Add/send message.'
  4. Type the message, then click the 'Preview' button.
  5. Assuming you are satisfied with the message, click the 'Send' button.

Moodle Documentation

For help with using basic Moodle tools and activities, check out the official resources on

Moodle Docs
For details on how to use Moodle features customized for RecNorth Moodle spaces, check out the other topics in this glossary

Move around in the Learning Space

Navigation panel or drawer

At the top right is an arrow that opens your navigation panel or drawer. Click on the arrow to show or hide the navigation drawer.

When open, you will see a menu with upcoming events, your badges, latest announcements  and online users.


Quickly access your Dashboard by clicking 'Dashboard" in the top menu of the screen.

Your Dashboard is a personalized home page that includes an overview of your learning events in the centre and other information (e.g. upcoming events) down the right-hand side.

Get into a Learning Event (Course)

You can use the your Dashboard or top menu bar to get into a learning event or course space.

Your Dashboard has a listing of your courses (My courses) and a Course Overview area that allows you to change the way you look at courses (In progress, Future, Past). You also have options to star or hide specific courses.

Updated:  August 2022 CS


Password changes

You may want to change your password occasionally or when you first log-in. To change your password:

  1. Select the arrow next to your profile picture for the drop-down menu. Click 'Preferences.'
  2. Look for the Change password option in the User Account area. Click 'Change password.' 
  3. With the Change Password page open, enter the password you were given and choose a new password (minimum of 8 characters). Click "'Save changes".

Photos - Making photographs smaller

Resize and compress

Images are sized in 'pixels' (width and height). Select a width of around 500 pixels wide. Most apps or programs automatically adjust the height through 'proportionate resizing.' 

Resize and compress your image by:

  • Using a photo editing app on your smartphone or iPad. 
  • Uploading your image to a free web-service like TinyPNG or TinyJPG. Follow the instructions on the site and you'll be surprised at how small it will be afterwards. 
  • Use a program already installed on your desktop. 
  • Ask a trainer for help.

Click here for more information.

Photos: Add a photo to your post

The steps to post a photo to a forum are the same for any type of image:
  1. Place your cursor where you want the image to appear. 
  2. Select the image icon in your toolbar. The 'Image Properties' window opens and you can "Browse repositories" to locate the image on your device. 
  3. Click 'Save image.'
  4. Re-orient or rotate your photo if it appears sideways.

Photos: Getting the right orientation

Sometimes a photo displays incorrectly (usually sideways) when added to a post. The way you hold your camera or phone when taking the picture can make this happen.

Landscape orientation, where you hold the camera/phone horizontally, is recommended for Moodle. 

Most modern devices have built-in orientation sensors in that add information to the photograph (EXIF data) so it is re-oriented and displayed correctly when you share it to a website. If your device doesn't correct the orientation of your photo, use photo editing software before trying to post it again.

On a Windows computer...

  1. Go to Windows Paint, a free program option, and open the image that is displaying sideways.
  2. Look for the Rotate option, click on it, and select 'Rotate right 90o' or 'Rotate left 90o'
  3. Save the photograph with a slightly different name so you can be sure to post the updated image.

On a Mac computer...

  1. Follow the steps in Resize, rotate, or flip an image
For an iPad or iPhone...

  1. Refer to How to rotate in Photos for iPad or iPhone

Profile Pictures: How to add or update

To add a picture for your profile image:

  1. Select the arrow to the right of your Profile image circle.
  2. Select 'Profile' from the drop-down list to open your Profile Dashboard.
  3. Look for User Details and select 'Edit profile.'
  4. Scroll down the page and look for the New picture area in the User picture section. You can click on the 'Add' icon or just drag-and-drop your image into the space.
  5. Start with a small image (jpeg or png only) as the profile picture will be resized to a 100x100 pixel square.

For more information, check out the written explanation from Moodle.

To change your Profile Image

  1. From the arrow to the right of your Profile image circle, click on 'Profile' in the drop-down list to open your Profile Dashboard.
  2. Look for User details and select 'Edit profile.'
  3. Scroll down the page and find your current profile picture under User picture.
  4. Check the Delete checkbox to delete your current image.
  5. Then, select click 'Add' or just drag-and-drop your new image into the space. Remember to use a small image that is jpeg or png.



Share a video from the Internet

1.  Find a video you want to share as part of your forum posting.  Look for a Share button or copy the URL from the web browser address bar.

2.  Prepare your forum post and introduce the video you want to share. Then, select the Insert media icon from your editing toolbar. When you hover over the icon, it will display 'Insert or edit audio/video file.'
    • You can paste your URL address into the first tab you see when the Insert media window opens.
    • Add a name (it doesn't have to be the same as the file name of the source video) and click on the 'Insert media' button.
    • Your video file name will appear, showing that it is linked to another location. 
    • Click on 'Post to forum'.

how to share a video from the Internet

Note:  If you are posting a Youtube link, the video will display in an embedded player in the forum post. If you are posting a link from another website (e.g., Vimeo), the linked name will display. When someone clicks on it, they will be taken to the recording where it is displayed in the Vimeo page.

Share a video from your computer or mobile device

Note:  Remember to select short clips to make it easier for other participants in the course to play it back. We suggest recordings no longer than two minutes.

1. Prepare a forum post. When you are ready to add a short video clip, click on the Add media icon in the toolbar.

2. You can add a short video file from the Link tab OR the Video tab of the Insert media page. For most situations, it is simplest to use the Link page.
    • Select the button 'Browse repositories'. Another window opens and you can choose  'Upload a file.'

how to upload a video file

3.  Click on the 'Choose File' button. The File picker windows opens, and you'll be able to search your computer or device to find the video recording. 
    • Click on the video file and 'Open' it so it displays in the File picker window (next to the 'Choose File' button.) 
    • You can modify the file name so it is easier to understand by typing in the 'Save as' field.
    • You can change the default settings for the author and licenses of your recording.
    • Click on the 'Upload this file' button.
The video will display in a player in the forum post.

Share an audio file from your computer or mobile device

Note:  Use short clips to make it easier for other participants in the course to play it back. We suggest recordings no longer than two minutes.

1.  Prepare a forum post. When you are ready to add a short audio clip, click on the Insert media icon in the toolbar.

2. You can add a short audio recording from the Link tab OR the Audio tab pages of the Insert media page. For most situations, it is simplest to use the Link page.
    • Select the button 'Browse repositories'. Another window opens and you can choose  'Upload a file.'
3.  Click on the 'Choose File' button. The File picker windows opens, and you'll be able to search your computer or device to find the audio recording.
    • Click on the audio file and 'Open' it so it displays in the File picker window (next to the 'Choose File' button.)
    • You can modify the file name so it is easier to understand by typing in the Save as field.
    • You can change the default settings for the author and licenses of your recording.
    • Click on the 'Upload this file' button.

how to upload an audio file

4.  You'll see the Insert media window again with your file link and name. 
    • Click on the 'Insert media' button.  You'll see the name of your file and it will show as a clickable link.
    • Scroll down and click on 'Post to forum' button.
Your audio recording can be played back from the forum posting by clicking on the right facing arrow in the small player.

Share an audio recording from the Internet

1.  Select a recording you want to share as part of your post. Copy the web location of the audio recording.

    • Look for a Share button or copy the URL address that appears in your web browser when you are on the page where the audio is displayed.
    • When you copy the link, your phone or computer will store it until you're ready to paste it into the forum.
2.  Go to the forum and write any introduction or comments about the recording you are going to share. 

3.  Look for the Insert media icon in the editing toolbar. When you hover over the icon it shows 'Insert or edit audio/video file.'
    • Select the icon and paste the URL of the audio recording into the 'Source URL' field.
    • Enter a name and click 'Insert media.'  The name will change to indicate that it is linked.
    • Don't forget to click on 'Post to forum.'

how to share an audio link from the Internet

4.  The name of the recording displays in your forum post. When anyone clicks the hyperlinked name, it will open the web page where the audio recording is stored and they can listen to it.

Note:  You cannot link to an external audio site by pasting the URL web location in the Audio tab of the Insert media page.


Video: Record video in your forum posting

You can add short video messages to your forum posts. Adding short video recordings to the comments and ideas you write can make your posts more meaningful for other learners and your instructor.

Note:  The built-in recording tool limits your audio recording time to two minutes.

1.  To record a video, you'll need a webcam (may be built into your laptop or mobile device). If you plan to use your mobile device, make sure you have installed the Moodle app.

2. Start a new discussion topic in your forum. Add some text to explain what the recording will be about.

3. Expand the editor toolbar by clicking on the down arrow that appears in the first position on the toolbar. Look for the 'Record video' button on the bottom row.

how to record a short video message in your forum post

4. Check your notes, position your camera and click on the recording button.

  • If this is the first time you've recorded, a small window pops up that says 'learn.recnorth wants to Use your camera'. Click on the 'Allow' button.
  • The Record video window opens and the recording process starts immediately (you'll see the counter starts counting backwards from 2:00 minutes.) Look into the camera and start speaking - don't rush but focus on speaking clearly.
  • Click on the 'Stop Recording' button when you're done.
5.  Check your video by clicking on the right-facing arrowhead in the embedded player.
  • If you don't like your recording, you can click on 'Record Again.'
  • If you're happy with your recording, click 'Attach Recording.'  
  • Click  'Post to forum' and your video recording will be displayed in your forum post.
  • Some people find it helpful to write a script before they record. Others work best with a few notes or key points they want to make. Without some prompts, it is easy to lose track of what you want to say and your recording may end up being confusing for others.
  • If possible, provide a written transcript or notes for your recording for people who may have challenges with their equipment, internet connection, vision, or just prefer to read.
Updated:  August 6, 2019, SR

Video: Share video recordings

Sharing short video recordings can help you make a point or add some information or humour to your forum postings.

You can share video recordings from public pages on the Internet OR you can upload and share short video clips from your computer or mobile device. Check out how:

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