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Email: Manage Emails from Forums

When there is lots of discussion in a learning event, you may want to manage the "flow". You can set up a filter on your email program, or you can change your Forum Preferences in Moodle.

It is NOT recommended to 'unsubscribe' from a forum as you could miss important messages and information. Instead, manage the flow of emails by choosing an email digest.

A digest will send you one email with all the forum posts made in a day. You will not receive an email if there are no new posts.

To change your Forum Preferences:
  1. Go to your Profile and click the small arrow beside your profile picture to drop down a menu. 
  2. Click on 'Preferences.'
  3. Select 'Forum Preferences' under 'User Account.'
  4. In the email digest type drop-down, choose the option 'Complete (daily email with full posts).' 
  5. Scroll down the page and save your changes (without changing any of the other settings).
To change back to 'No digest (single email per forum post),' or to 'unsubscribe,' follow the steps above making your choice in step 4.

NOTE: If you decide to 'unsubscribe', you will need to log in daily in order to find and read any new posts.

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