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Attach a file to a post

You can attach documents to a post in a discussion forum. Follow the steps below.

  1. Begin by starting a new post or replying to someone else's post.
  2. Make sure the Subject field is filled out.
  3. Enter text in the Message field (the empty box to the right of 'Message').
  4. Click on 'Advanced' (appears to the right of the 'Post to forum' button at the bottom of the Message field). An 'Attachment' option field appears.
  5. Drag and drop your file into the space and then click on 'Post to forum.'
  6. If you want to find the file on your computer, click in the space (or click on the file icon) and the File picker window opens. Choose 'Upload a file' and navigate to the place you have stored your attachment file. 'Choose File', give it a file name, confirm the license and select 'Upload this file.'
  7. In the Attachment field you should now see your file. Click 'Post to forum.' In the forum, you will see your reply with the file attached.
Updated:  August 2, 2019, SR

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