Dashboard - navigate and customize You can use your Dashboard to stay on track with your learning events and easily find where you left off each time you return to the Learning Space. 1. Navigate to your Dashboard from the top menu. 2. The default view (before you customize it - see final step for how) shows a series of blocks outlined in gold. You can choose the Customize this page button to move, hide, delete or configure each block. 3. Explore each block before you customize - try to understand how you can use the information and what fits your learning preferences. My courses block: shows the courses (learning events) you are registered in and links to the complete listing of courses available to you. Course overview block: (default Card view)
- All (except hidden) tab: shows your courses - the 3 periods '...' allow you to Star a course or Hide from view. Starred courses stay at the top of your list.
Click on the All tab to change your view to show courses In progress, Future or Past. You can also select to show only Starred or Hidden courses. - Course name tab: allows you to sort your coures by name or by date
- Card tab: default is to display courses in Card view. You can change this to List or Summary view.
Timeline block: - shows what is due for each courses - display due dates for Next 7 days, Next 30 days, Next 3 months and Next 6 months. Highlight when activities are Overdue.
- sort by date or by course name
Calendar block: displays a month at a time, shows events for your courses Upcoming events: shows events in your course(s) starting from the current day Latest badges: shows any badges you've earned Online users: shows who is online in the Learning Space 4. If you'd like to modify or customize your dashboard, click Edit mode at the top right of the page. This displays two icons at the top right of each block: a Move block icon and an Actions icon. The Actions icon allows you to Configure, Hide or Delete each block. When you're finished, click on the Stop customising this page button.
If you make a mistake or change your mind, you can select Reset page to default. Updated: August 2022 CS |