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Emails: Responding to forum emails

When you use Moodle, you receive emails when your trainer posts to a forum in a learning event, when someone replies to a forum post, or when someone sends you a private message.

The email messages look something like this:

an email sent from a forum posting

If you try to reply to the message, from your email program, you'll get a "Do Not Reply" message and your message will not be delivered as you planned.

To respond to an email from a forum posting
  1. Select "Reply" from the bottom of the forum message email. This will take you into forum in Moodle, although you may have to log in first. 
  2. Reply to the message from the discussion forum so your response can be seen by others who are part of that forum.
  3. Use the "see this post in context" link to read the entire topic thread before deciding whether or not to respond.

responding to an email from a forum

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