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Parks are outdoor environments developed for recreation purposes. 


Physical Activity: A Common Vision

The Common Vision for increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary living in Canada: Let’s Get Moving, released in May 2018, is a national policy document that intends to guide the country towards ways of increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary living.

Physical Literacy

Physical literacy is the ability of an individual to move with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person.


Places are buildings, structures, and facilities designed and built for recreation, sports, arts and other public uses. Places may include arenas, indoor pools, greenhouses, theatres, etc.


Play is freely chosen and self-directed mental or physical activity that is undertaken for enjoyment and that is separate in some way from “real” life. (Framework for Recreation in Canada)



Playgrounds are outdoor spaces set aside for recreation and play. Most contain play equipment and are designed in a specific way to draw out structured and unstructured play.



A Program is an organized and structured activity that occurs regularly and is scheduled (e.g. swimming lessons, hockey games, or a sewing club).


Program Budgets

Program budgets estimate the costs to run a program (e.g. a 10-week arts and crafts program) and the anticipated revenues. 

Program Expenses

Program expenses are all the costs involved in developing and delivering a program (e.g. instructor wages, materials, rental of space, etc.).

Program Revenue

Program revenue is the money generated from running a program (e.g. registration fees).

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