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Program Budgets

Program budgets estimate the costs to run a program (e.g. a 10-week arts and crafts program) and the anticipated revenues. 

Program Expenses

Program expenses are all the costs involved in developing and delivering a program (e.g. instructor wages, materials, rental of space, etc.).

Program Revenue

Program revenue is the money generated from running a program (e.g. registration fees).


Promotion refers to activities that publicize or encourage awareness of a program, cause, organization, etc. Examples could include a brochure, free sample, poster, public service announcement, personal appearance, etc. 



Qualitative Information

Qualitative information is associated with feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. This type of data is captured through conversations, photos, interviews, and stories.

Quantitative Data

Quantitative data is information that can be counted and measured (e.g. number of participants, dollars collected, etc.). 



Recreation is the experience that results from freely chosen participation in physical, social, intellectual, creative and spiritual pursuits that enhance individual and community wellbeing. (Framework for Recreation in Canada)

Recreation Board

Local recreation boards may be formed to help provide a structure for the delivery of recreation in a community. The power and authority that a board has depends on its relationships with other organizations or governments who may have a mandate for recreation. 

Recreation Leaders

Recreation leaders are staff and volunteers who fill roles as recreation directors and programmers, coaches, fitness leaders, board members, after school and youth program leaders, special events volunteers, and activity instructors.

Recreation Places

Recreation Places refers to facilities and community infrastructure. They provide opportunities to participate in recreation and leisure including community halls, recreation complexes, arenas and pools, libraries, schools, museums, art galleries, private gyms, etc. 


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