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Leisure includes the activities, pursuits or actions people choose to do in their time away from work and other responsibilities.


Leisure Education

Leisure Education is helping people understand what recreation/leisure is, how they can benefit from participating, and teaching them how to find and get involved in leisure activities that are enjoyable and contribute to positive health.

Leisure Literacy

Leisure Literacy is the outcome of leisure education. Individuals develop knowledge and skills, taking responsibility for the meaningful use of leisure time in ways that positively impact themselves as well as their community. 



Marketing involves determining the value of your recreation product or service and communicating that information to customers. 


Mission Statement

A mission statement describes what an agency does, for whom, and how it does it.


National Benefits Hub

National Benefits Hub provides updated evidence for 50 outcomes statements about the benefits of recreation, the trends impacting benefits, and emerging promising practices.



Nature refers to the natural features of land, bush, water and air environments where recreation may (or may not) take place. Natural environments support physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.



In planning, objectives are usually more specific actions or ways to achieve the goals. However, the goals and objectives are sometimes used interchangeably.

Operating Budgets

Operating budgets project or predict the amount of revenue and the anticipated expenses related to operating a facility and running a recreation department’s programs and services.

Operating Expenses

Operating Expenses are the expenses related to running a facility and delivering programs and services.

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