Aboriginal Sport CircleAboriginal Sport Circle is the national voice in sport, fitness, culture and recreation pursuits for the Aboriginal peoples in Canada with organizations in Yukon, NWT and Nunavut. |
AccessibilityAccessibility refers to characteristics of the physical environment that make it possible for people to participate in recreation regardless of ability. |
AccessibleAccessible means, no matter what a person’s circumstances or abilities
are, there is equal opportunity to fully participate. |
Active LivingActive Living is a way of life in which physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual activities are valued and are integrated into daily living. |
Active TransportationActive transportation refers to any form of human-powered transportation, such as walking, cycling, using a wheelchair, in-line skating or skateboarding. |
ActivitiesFrom a planning perspective, activities are things you do like advertising, workshops, or training to carry out the project. |
Annual BudgetsAnnual Budgets are the estimated revenues and expenditures of all the recreation programs and services over a year. |
ArtsArts reflect culture and are a way of communicating through a medium that can be shared with others. |
BenefitsBenefits are the individual, social, economic, and environmental
outcomes that recreation, parks, sports, fitness, active living, arts
and cultural services have the potential to provide for individuals and
communities. |
Benefits of RecreationBenefits of Recreation is a term used in our field to recognize that
recreation contributes to positive personal, social, environmental and
economic outcomes. |